Bask Definition, Meaning, Etymology, and Usage

Bask definition

Bask definition refers to the act of exposing oneself to warmth or sunlight, often for relaxation or pleasure. Etymologically, the word “bask” traces its roots back to Old Norse, where it meant “to warm oneself by the fire.” Throughout history, the term has acquired figurative meanings, extending beyond its literal interpretation.

Beyond its literal sense, “bask” can figuratively represent the enjoyment of attention, admiration, or favorable conditions. It captures the essence of reveling in a positive or comfortable situation, often accompanied by a sense of contentment and satisfaction.

Definition and Etymology

Bask definition

The verb “bask” means to lie or sit in a warm and comfortable place, typically in the sun or near a fire. It implies a sense of relaxation, enjoyment, and contentment. The word has its origins in the Old English word “bæðian,” which meant “to warm oneself.”

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms, Bask definition

  • Sunbathe
  • Lounge
  • Relax
  • Revel


  • Shiver
  • Freeze
  • Suffer
  • Toil

Figurative and Literal Meanings

Literal Meaning

Literally, “bask” refers to the physical act of exposing oneself to warmth or sunlight for comfort and relaxation.

Figurative Meanings

Figuratively, “bask” can be used to describe the feeling of pleasure or contentment derived from an experience or situation. For example, one might say they are “basking in the glow of success” or “basking in the attention of their loved ones.”

Examples of Usage

Bask definition

  • “She lay basking in the sun, her eyes closed and a smile on her face.”
  • “The cat basked in the warmth of the fire, purring contentedly.”
  • “The students basked in the praise of their teacher, their faces beaming with pride.”
  • “The poet basked in the glory of his newfound fame, reveling in the attention he received.”

Cultural and Historical Context

The concept of basking has been present in human cultures for centuries. In ancient Greece, people would often bask in the sun to promote health and well-being. In some cultures, basking is associated with specific rituals or traditions, such as sunbathing in certain places or during specific times of the year.


In conclusion, bask definition encompasses both its literal and figurative meanings, highlighting the act of seeking warmth and comfort. Whether it’s the physical sensation of basking in the sun or the metaphorical experience of enjoying positive attention, the term conveys a sense of relaxation, contentment, and the embrace of favorable circumstances.

FAQ Resource: Bask Definition

What is the origin of the word “bask”?

The word “bask” originates from Old Norse, where it meant “to warm oneself by the fire.”

What are some synonyms for “bask”?

Synonyms for “bask” include “sunbathe,” “revel,” and “luxuriate.”

Can “bask” be used figuratively?

Yes, “bask” can be used figuratively to describe the enjoyment of attention, admiration, or favorable conditions.

About the Author: Jason